Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you. - John Owen

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It's the Little Things

Do you have a place - a journal perhaps - where you record praises, little blessings, things that you are thankful for?  I have found this to be an incredible help to me in my walk with the Lord.  It helps me to actively cultivate gratefulness in my life.  
Can you imagine life without God's sustaining grace?  He has gifted us with beauty in everyday objects - green grass, blue skies, brilliant sunsets, kind smiles, bright eyes, hugs from my little brother "just because",  emails from dear friends,  laughter ringing through the house, incredible music, words of encouragement, time with the Lord when my heart is too full for words, sleepless nights when I can listen to scripture and pray, leaves changing color, sleeping with the windows open and snuggling deep under my warm quilt, the truth that HE is faithful, sweet passages of scripture where I can find a "resting place", precious friends, Ultimate Frisbee on Sundays, old weathered barns, wooden fences, cowboy boots, joy, worship, starry nights, dark chocolate :)...these are sweet things that I have been blessed with, and am so grateful to our gracious Lord for His goodness! 
What are you thankful for? 


The Armour Family said...

My dear and precious Hannah, I am thankful to the Lord for giving me such wonderfully amazing children. Y'all are more than I labored for or deserve. God is good - ALL the time. GOD IS GOOD. I love you sweet girl. -Mama

Kathryn said...

Thank you for this reminder dear Hannah, this call to remember and take the time to record the every-day blessings of the Lord. I must echo your sentiments about journaling -- when I go back to re-read my entries, I am often refreshed and encouraged through the testimony of blessings that I otherwise would not have remembered.
And, a few things that I am grateful for -- light from a full moon streaming in through the window in the middle of the night, white puffy clouds floating before an almost aqua-blue sky, peanut butter, :) timely blog posts, a few moments here and there to read, purpose for life -- for every day, seeing a little sibling spend time in the Word in the morning.