Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you. - John Owen

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Snow Storm Has Ended!!!!!!

Finally - SUNSHINE! Praise the LORD!!! The snow looks lovely in the sunlight - when I look out the window, it is so brilliantly white.  To me, it is incredible that our Creator makes every snowflake different from any other!  What marvelous creativity! Our God is AMAZING! - Words cannot even describe what He is like! - We will be learning about Him for ALL eternity!!!!!! Praise Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(WE got to play in the snow last night - it was SO fun - and great exercise!)

Group Shot!
See, it IS knee-deep!
This is Jeremiah's fort!


Our sidewalk was completely covered in snow,
 but, thanks to the boys, we now have a clear path!
This is all of the snow that was able to stay on the fence because of the wind!

1 comment:

Chris Beach said...

Wow...this is so hard to imagine. Looks like such fun. We did have a low temp of 28 last night, and we expect a high in the 50s today. Certainly not cold by MN standards, but I had my fireplace blazin' last night, nevertheless (we take what we can down here). Much love to you all from the Beaches!
