Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you. - John Owen

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day Celebrations = Butchering Chickens

Yesterday was one 4th of July that I'll never forget!  It was a day full of fellowship, meeting new people and making new friends, learning experiences, and last but not least, butchering chickens! 

  God gave us a beautiful day with weather as perfect as it could be for what we were doing.  The Borchardts live in a very open area, so there was a refreshing breeze blowing.  The temperature was amazing and God was good (as always!). 

  It was neat to learn how to do the different "jobs" that go along with cleaning a chicken and I am SO thankful that we did not have to pluck the chickens by hand - yet another blessing. 

  Some of the Borchardt's friends (now our friends, too!) came to help, as they have a lot of experience in butchering chickens.  They brought a whole bunch of equipment and shared their knowledge with us.  What a blessing from God!  They also helped to set us up in the most efficient way and a job that we thought would take all day took from 4-6 hours (approximately).

  We were so blessed yesterday and I am so thankful to have chickens that are actually healthy and not full of a whole bunch of antibiotics!

The Richter's plucker.
Filling buckets with water.
(or in this case, a trash can!)
Knife sharpening.
Notice the big, blue tub.  That is the chicken plucker.
One of the many "chicken catchers".
The chickens being dipped in hot water before being transferred to the plucker.
...and after the plucking!  What a time-saver!
Pulling out the pinfeathers.
Gutting - I learned how to do that job! 
It looks nasty, but once you start doing it, it's really not that bad!
The gizzards.
The "washing station".
Just some of the meat. 
Jonnie, handing out gum.
The girls "flexing their arms" as Faith put it.
Lydia, Hope, Amanda, Leah, Hannah, Anna
Amanda and Hannah
Hannah's way-too-cute (and soft) bunny.
Ben and some of the little ones enjoying the bunny.

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