Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you. - John Owen

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Trip to North Carolina - Last Days and Flight Home

Our last days with the Renfro family after our DC trip were sweet, memorable, full of fun, fellowship, encouragement, and so much more.  I treasured every minute of our time and fondly remember the many conversations that we had together.  We miss y'all very much and pray that our families may have many more such times.  May the Lord bless you as you serve Him. 
This lovely rainbow was in the sky on Sunday evening, reminding us that God always keeps His promises. 
Jenna, slicing the delicious "specialty" bread that she made. :)
Grilled chicken - so yummy! 
The ladies made a trip to the farmer's market on Monday and met up with some of the Valentis and Katie Bradrick there.  What a dear family they are.  We were blessed and encouraged by our time together. 
Sweet Molly with her nephew, John Mark. 
Photo by Jenna.
Notice Lina in the background.  She is a v-e-r-y entertaining and funny little girl!  :)
John Mark 
Molly and Asher, another (and new!) nephew. 
The sky was absolutely breathtaking Monday afternoon! (You can probably see by now that I love the clouds and sky! :)
Photo by Jenna.
Daniel, throwing the Frisbee for his two German Shepherds, Samson and Leisel.  They are beautiful dogs! 
We played some amazingly fun games of Ultimate Frisbee later Monday evening.  I have never played that hard before and it was awesome!  :) I must admit, though, that my legs were sore (make that very sore!) for quite a few days afterwards!  :)
I'm in the green on the far left (behind the tree), Jenna in the pink, and Daniel on the far right.
Photographing the photographer.  :) 
Photo by Jenna.
Photo by Jenna.
Photo by Jenna.

Dishing up an incredible dinner!
Samson.  :) 
Jenna has a garden... 
...and chickens!  
Looking at pictures from the trip.
The sky and clouds were so beautiful on our flight home.  I couldn't get enough of them!  :) 
Those huge fields look so tiny from w-a-y up in the sky.  I am so grateful that the Lord has so graciously placed us in a world full of beauty that glorifies His holy name.  May we glorify Him for all of the beauty that we see around us. 
This concludes our trip to North Carolina.  What a wonderful time we had;  so many memories were made, and I am forever grateful for the blessings of brothers and sisters in Christ. 


Brooke Noble said...

What neat pictures, Hannah! I especially like the sky photo you took on Monday afternoon. The one Jenna took of you is so pretty!

It sounds like you had a blast playing Ultimate Frisbee. Thanks so much for posting on your trip - it was delightful to read about it and see all of your pictures!

Jenna Renfro said...

Thanks Hannah for all the great pictures!! We had SUCH a blast! That trip was amazing, wasn't it? We hope to see you all soon and miss you alot!
